Congratulations to Kevin Sadeghian, who received his nidan, second degree black belt, and Kira, who received her ikkyu, 1st degree brown belt, last night. Well deserved!

Congratulations to Kevin Sadeghian, who received his nidan, second degree black belt, and Kira, who received her ikkyu, 1st degree brown belt, last night. Well deserved!
Prof. Tony Janovich promoted Sensei Chris Love to godan, 5th degree black belt, and also Sensei Karl Mueller to godan, 5th degree black belt. Congratulations!
An instructor under Prof. Janovich, Sensei Chris Love was visiting from his school in Brighton, Colorado. His affiliated school can be found on the web here: http://www.coloradokodenkan.com/
We performed a demonstration at the 2018 Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival in Memorial Park. Thanks to Sensei Guillermo Hernandez, Jr., who teaches the kids class, for getting everybody ready, Professor Clive Guth for helping train them, and Professor George Arrington for MC’ing. Great job, everybody!
The Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival is Cupertino’s celebration of Japan’s sakura matsuri and Japanese culture held in late April. See https://www.cupertinocherryblossomfestival.org/ for more information.
Thanks everybody who came to watch us!