Prof. Sig Kufferath and Prof. Tony Janovich founded the Kodenkan in 1973. This photo shows Prof. Janovich receiving his scroll from Prof. Kufferath. Janovich is the only student to receive an instructors scroll from Prof. Kufferath in the last 40 years.
Instructors of the Kodenkan at Okugi, 2013Standing L-R: Sensei Karl Mueller 5th Dan, Sensei Cliff Reis 4th Dan, Sensei Mike Urmeneta 5th Dan, Sensei Tammy Webb 5th Dan, Sensei Andy McFadden 2nd Dan Seated L-R: Prof. Clive Guth 7th Dan, Prof. Tony Janovich 10th Dan, Prof. George Arrington 7th DanSensei Guillermo Hernandez, Jr., being promoted to 2nd DanSensei Dan van Hook, being promoted to 2nd Dan